Backup Docker Zabbix

Monitoring Synology Active Backup for business and Snapshot Replication with Zabbix

Active Backup for Business

We use Synology Active Backup for business as a backup solution for our Hyper-v hypervisors.

It works really well, but Synology hasn’t exposed any way to monitor it from SNMP or anything else.

I have seen many people asking how to monitor it, and the best solution I have seen requires connecting to the NAS unit using SSH, as root and running a script to read the ABB sqlite database.

I noticed that in ABB there is a configuration option to ship logs to a syslog server, which is easily monitored using Zabbix.

The log forwarding configuration in Active Backup for Business

Using a syslog-ng server in docker container, I set up everything to receive the logs:

version: "3.7"
    image: linuxserver/syslog-ng
      - PUID=1000
      - PGID=4
      - TZ=Europe/Brussels
      - /srv/syslog-ng/config:/config
      - /srv/syslog-ng/log:/var/log
      - 514:5514/udp
      - 601:6601/tcp
      - 6514:6514/tcp

The syslog-ng configuration file is very simple and to the point:

# Default syslog-ng.conf file which collects all local logs into a
# single file called /var/log/messages tailored to container usage.

@version: 3.35
@include "scl.conf"

source s_local {

source s_network_tcp {
  syslog(transport(tcp) port(6601));

source s_network_udp {
  syslog(transport(udp) port(5514));

destination d_local {
  file("/var/log/messages" perm(0640));
  file("/var/log/messages-kv.log" template("$ISODATE $HOST $(format-welf --scope all-nv-pairs)\n") frac-digits(3) perm(0640));

log {

The log arrive in real time:

syslog-ng logs

Snapshot Replication

In the Snapshot replication app, there is not option to configure log shipping.

However, in the background, the apps uses the same mechanism as ABB for log management: an instance of syslog-ng on the Synology NAS.
The logs end up in: /var/log/synolog/synodr.log (it seems that snapshot replication is called Disaster Recovery internally at Synolog)

We just need to push a configuration file to in the syslog-ng patterndb.d folder (/etc/syslog-ng/patterndb.d/snapreplication.conf) with the appropriate permissions (owner “system”, group “log”, mode 644) which contains this: (replace {{ HOSTNAME }} with the hostname of your syslog-ng destination server)

@version: 3.34

source snapshot_replication {
destination docker {
                "{{ HOSTNAME }}"


log {
    source(snapshot_replication); destination(docker);

You juste need to restart the syslog-ng server on the NAS and you’re good to go:

systemctl restart syslog-ng

Logs will then start to appear in the syslog-ng docker container:


You can use the templates here to monitor the logfile using Zabbix.

It uses Zabbix Active check so you need to make sure that is set up correctly.

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